Abuja camp (tentative) dates: August 4 -- August 15
Lagos camp (tentative) dates: July 21 -- August 1
Kano camp (tentative) dates: April 10 -- April 21
Summer 2024
The Lagos camp is in collaboration with the AirLab of the University of Lagos. The camp will take place from the 19th of August to the 30th of August at the AI & Robotics Labs in the University of Lagos. The Abuja camp will take place at the Olumawu School in Abuja from the 12th of August to the 23rd of August.
Day 1: Introductions and Motivations
Day 2: Types in Python
Day 3: For Loops and Recursion
Day 4: More Methods of Iteration in Python
Day 5: Objects, Libraries, Data Science
Day 6: Growth of Functions
Day 7: Searching Algorithms: Linear, Binary
Day 8: Sorting Algorithms: Bubble, Selection, Insertion
Day 9: Sorting Algorithms: Part 2
Day 10: Review, Recap, Exam
Summer 2023
The in-person program ran from August 7 up to August 18, 2023. Location: Lifegate Academy in Abuja.
Summer 2022
1. Lists of Lists; Stack ADT
2.Queue, Priority Queue, and Graph ADTs
3.Graph Traversal: BFS, DFS
4. Dictionary, Set, and Multiset ADTs
5. Sorting
6. Efficiency and Asymptotics: Big-O, Big-Omega, Big-Theta